Superseiskat- SUPER 7 Day

Our awesome Support Students (tukioppilaat) planned and organized an afternoon event called SUPERSEISKAT on the 14th of Oct for the entire 7th graders where they got to compete in a 12 different and fun activities in Mustikkamaa. Here are a few pictures from that day....

YT-linjan uudet opiskelijat eduskunnassa

YT-linjan 22B-ryhmän opiskelijat perehtyivät kansanedustajan työhön ja eduskunnan toimintaan. Vihreiden kansanedustaja Mari Holopainen vastaanotti toisen ryhmän vieraita Kulosaaresta ja perehdytti uusia opiskelijoita politiikan käytäntöihin. Kiitokset...

Aya Brace visiting the optional Photography course

Finnish-Ghanaian photographer and visual designer Aya Brace was visiting the optional Photography course for 9th graders taught by Tiiu Vainio.   We were able to squeeze in also ten or so interested Upper Secondary students.   The discussion part went deep into the...