How to apply with a foreign diploma?

If you are applying to KSYK to complete the upper school syllabus with a diploma from outside of Finland you need to apply through the electronic joint application system “Studyinfo” during 18.2.-18.3.2025. Please note that the Studyinfo form is only provided in Finnish and Swedish. When applying, you should select “Ulkomailla suoritettu tutkinto” (degree completed abroad) as your basic education. You can apply to a maximum of seven (7) different study programs, which need to be arranged in the preferred order.

Please note that KSYK is obeying Finnish upper secondary schools curriculum highlighting bilingualism and internationalism, science and technology, society and economics in teaching. We don´t offer IB-diploma programme. On our school´s streams we study both in English and Finnish. Because the matriculation examinations are held in Finnish we demand all our students at least helping Finnish language skills.

Additionally candidates should write a one page (A4) informal application. You can use the questions below to help you:

  • Who are you and where have you studied before?
  • Tell about your former study success?
  • Why do you want to study in Finland and in KSYK?
  • On what level are your English and Finnish language skills?
  • What are your future plans after upper secondary education?
  • Where will you live, if you are accepted to KSYK? Will your whole family move here or will you move on your own?

Save your informal application, your latest diplomas, and any other documents that support your selection as attachments to “Studyinfo” by 18.3.2025. Please note that all candidates accepted to KSYK must have at least basic Finnish language skills.

For the English Stream and the General Stream the student selection is executed solely based on the documents that have been submitted to Studyinfo. Applicants that have completed their prior education in English do not have to participate in the entrance exam when applying to the English Stream. If you have completed your prior education in some other language please contact If you are applying to the Society and Economics Stream or the Science and Technology Stream, you must participate in the stream’s entrance exam.

The results of admission to study programs will be announced earliest on 12.6.2025 on the school website (for those who have given permission). Additionally, the selected candidates will receive an acceptance letter by email with detailed instructions regarding registration as well as course selection for the first school year.  The study place must be accepted at the latest 26.6.2025 or it will be cancelled.

If you have any questions related to studies at KSYK or the application process please contact or the Upper School Vice Principal Riitta Kaisto,, +358 400 808 351.

We also accept exchange students. An informal application can be sent to Please title you message “Application as an exchange student”. Please also send any questions you may have to the admissions email.