Thank you everyone who participated Open doors day on 12th of November!
Here are the info material from 6th graders´ info meeting, application timetable and the official application forms
Those from Helsinki:
- Fill in the application form in Wilma by 7.12.2022. It is available in English.
- You can choose a maximum of 5 different options. Mark the alternatives in your order of preference so that option number 1 is your primary application option.
- The options will be processed in the given order of preference.
- If the student is admitted to option number 1, they will not be considered in the admission for other options.
- Once submitted, the options and their order are binding and changing them after the application period has ended is not possible.
Those who are not currently studying in Grade 6 at a municipal school in Helsinki:
- Fill in this form.
- Deliver the form to the KSYK office or send it by email to latest 7.12.2022.