Iki-Wanhat 2.12.2021 live stream

Iki-Wanhat tanssitaan koululla tänään 2.12.2021. Tapahtuma striimataan ja se on katsottavissa YouTube -kanavallamme KSYKRules. Live-stream ilmestyy katsottavaksi n. klo 17.45.

Lukio-info 9. luokkalaisille ti 7.12. klo 15.00

Järjestämme lukio-infon tiistaina 7.12.2021 Kulosaaren yhteiskoulusta kiinnostuneille 9. luokkalaisille. Info järjestetään koulun pikkusalissa (huone U30). Tilaisuus alkaa lukiomme yleisesittelyllä klo 15.00, jonka jälkeen noin klo 15.30 alkaen linjanvetäjät ja...

Middle School open doors day video

As promised, we filmed the info sessions that were held during the Middle School Open Doors Day on Saturday, 20th November. A video of one of them is now available on the school YouTube channel “KSYKrules”. You can also watch it from here. Please excuse...

6th grade info evening PowerPoint presentation

Thank you to everyone who attended the 6th grade info evening. As was informed, we filmed the presentation portion of the event. However, it seems that there is an issue with the sound of the video and after many attempts at trying to fix it, we are unable to do so...

Middle School Open Doors Day 20.11.2021

Saturday 20th November is Middle School Open Doors Day. It is an opportunity for visitors to come into the school and observe the lessons and see what life at KSYK is all about. Visitors are welcome between 10am-2pm, you may enter the school via the front or back...