On Tuesday 3rd Oct KSYK had an honor to be the location where United Nations Population Fund UNFPA launched its State of World Population 2023 report in our country. Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA Ib Petersen was presenting the report 8 BILLION LIVES, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES.

Mr Petersen, MP Saara Hyrkkö and Minister Ville Tavio participated the panel discussion about How can we ensure rights and choices for all. According to the report:

👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 There are more than 8 billion people in the planet at the moment.

🤰 In average women give birth to 2,3 children. 🏢 However 2/3 of people are living in places where fertility rate has fallen below the replacement level of 2.1 births per woman.

🤷‍♀️ An estimated 44 per cent of partnered women are unable to make decisions over health care, sex or contraception. As a result nearly half of all pregnancies are unintended. 👩‍⚕️Sexual and reproductive health and gender equality are essential for creating more prosperous and sustainable future.

Four Finnish youth politicians took part in another panel discussion about possibilities of future population.

The event was organized in co-operation with Väestöliitto and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Thank you for all the organizers and the participants for the interesting event!

MP Saara Hyrkkö, Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA Ib Petersen and Minister Ville Tavio participated a report launch event in Kulosaari High School. Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA Ib Petersen, MP Saara Hyrkkö and Minister Ville Tavio participated in a report launch event in Kulosaari High School.